Media & Communication

Bringing our mission and vision to life.
The EERC brand combines messaging, design, photos, and video that bring our vision and mission to life; it's the sum of everything we do. Our media policy is designed to ensure our logos, photos, and images are used and referenced appropriately. The following are standards we request you follow when using our name, images, graphics, and other resources.
Photography is a powerful tool to illustrate messages. Images should represent our bold culture and commitment to solutions. We maintain a repository of high-resolution professional images for use in EERC-approved stories or articles. If you have additional photo needs, submit a request to our staff photographer.
For more information about approved images, additional photography requests, or to commercially publish any of the photographs on this site, please contact us.
EERC Colors
The official colors of the EERC logo are Pantone 201 (maroon) and black. Colors should be used at 100% tint or opacity.

Interview Requests
Our scientists and engineers are available to interview on a variety of topics. To request information or schedule an interview, contact our Communications team.
Media Inquiries

- 701.777.5428