Oil & Gas

Clean and Efficient Exploration, Development, and Production
Oil production in the Bakken Formation has propelled North Dakota to one of the top oil-producing states in the U.S. and has had a major economic impact. We’re a leader in the design and implementation of clean and efficient oil and gas exploration, development, and production technologies.
Working with state and industry leaders, we are a respected partner in developing technologies to enhance safety and efficiencies throughout the industry. From working with new technologies to eliminate pipeline leaks to using enhanced oil recovery to extend the life of a well, we lead the way in research focused on resource assessment, management, and optimization of exploration and production performance.

Oil Production Optimization
We’re collaborating with partners to improve incremental oil recovery rates in unconventional formations, and reduce the environmental footprint. Our success is demonstrated in the results: we’ve increased well productivity and the economic output of North Dakota’s oil and gas resources, decreased environmental impacts of wellsite operations, and reduced the demand for infrastructure construction and maintenance through the Bakken Production Optimization Program (BPOP).
BPOP is led by the EERC and funded by program members and the North Dakota Industrial Commission. It’s an exemplary model demonstrating that state law makers, state regulator, and industry can work together for positive results for shareholders and taxpayers alike.

Bakken CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery and Storage
While the use of CO2 in conventional reservoirs is a widely applied practice, its use for EOR in tight oil reservoirs like the Bakken is a relatively new concept. We’re working on solutions for large-scale injection of CO2 into the Bakken to increase oil production and reserves, which will also result in the geologic storage of significant amounts of CO2. We’ve conducted laboratory and modeling activities to examine the potential for CO2 storage and EOR in the Bakken. The goal of this multidisciplinary research is to provide industry with insight regarding the potential to use CO2 for EOR in the Bakken and Three Forks Formations.

Pipeline Research and Technology Development
Section 8 of North Dakota House Bill 1358 provided us the opportunity to study the key aspects of gathering pipelines in North Dakota. Specifically, we evaluated existing regulations on construction and monitoring of crude oil and produced water pipelines, determined the feasibility and cost-effectiveness of requiring leak detection and monitoring technology on new and existing pipeline systems, and provided recommendations to the North Dakota Industrial Commission and the Energy Development and Transmission Committee.
The Intelligent Pipeline Integrity Program (iPIPE) is an industry-led research consortium whose mission is to advance technology to support industry efforts to eliminate pipeline spills. Through iPIPE, industry partners are collaborating to select and fund novel technologies, such as artificial intelligence and nanosensors, to improve liquids gathering pipeline leak prevention and leak detection.
- Resource assessments, CO2 EOR, and geophysical interpretation
- Measurement, monitoring, and verification systems
- Petroleum engineering, geologic characterization, and reservoir simulation, including geophysics and seismic characterization
- Geological analysis techniques, including petrophysical, geomechanical, and minimum miscibility pressure testing
- Information systems design and data management
- Produced fluids processing and pipelines
- Well pad environmental challenges: emissions and technologically enhanced naturally occurring radioactive material (TENORM), reduced gas flaring, and wastewater management and remediation
Featured Projects
An industry-led consortium advancing emerging technologies to prevent and detect leaks from pipelines.
State lawmakers, state regulators, and industry working together to improve Bakken system oil recovery and reduce its environmental footprint.
Our database of vendor-supplied technical and economic information regarding gas utilization technologies.