
The EERC maintains a wide range of laboratory- and pilot-scale equipment for solid, liquid, and gaseous processing and characterization of natural and synthetic materials.
Fuel Preparation
- Biomass processing and handling
- Coal preparation
Combustion Systems
- Fluidized-bed combustors
- Combustion test facility
- Particulate test combustor/emission control simulator (dry and wet scrubbers)
- CO2 capture test systems
- Full suite of air pollution control devices
- Slagging furnace system/high-temperature air furnace
- Slag formation simulator
- Conversion and environmental process simulator
- Drop-tube furnaces (atmospheric, optical)
- Simulated pilot-scale cooling tower
Gasification and Gas Cleanup Systems
- Gas processing and gas cleanup as related to the oil and gas industry
- transport reactor development unit (1-MW gasifier)
- Fluid-bed gasifier (high-pressure, 20 lb/hr)
- Continuous fluid-bed reactor (low-pressure, 4 lb/hr)
- Entrained-flow gasifier
- Fixed-bed gasifier
- Carbonizer (mild gasification)
- Small laboratory-scale fixed-bed gasifier reactor
- Fischer–Tropsch reactor skid
- Warm-gas cleanup train
- Large hot-gas filter vessel
- Bench-scale hot-gas filter vessel
- Sulfur reactor
- Hydrogen separation membrane
- Auxiliary systems for large testing equipment
Chemical- and Liquid-Processing Systems
- Small continuous reactor
- Large continuous reactor
- Continuous tubular reactor
- Batch autoclave reactor systems
- Bench-scale catalyst systems
- Pilot-scale Fischer–Tropsch reactor
- Hydrogen on demand (high-pressure liquid-reforming reactor)
- Distillation system
- Process chemistry screening reactors
- Bench-scale renewable ammonia plant
Environmental Assessment and Cleanup
- Anaerobic digestion systems evaluation
- Contaminant recovery
- Environmental field sampling (field energy testing systems)
- Multigram extraction system
Field Test Capabilities
- Slipstream fabric filter (for particulate control)
- Dry sorbent injection equipment (for mercury and acid gas control)
- Activated carbon
- Acid gas
- Selective catalytic reduction technology
- Mobile gasification and liquid fuel production
- Mobile analytical capabilities for oil and gas
- Slagging and fouling assessment
- Full-scale utility boiler ash and deposit sampling
- Full-scale mercury sampling and analysis