Technology Demonstration

Development and demonstration of client technologies for commercial deployment
With more than 54,000 square feet of technology demonstration facilities, we bring together state-of-the-art equipment and the expertise of a multidisciplinary team to solve global energy and environmental issues. This synergy expedites the rapid development and demonstration of client technologies for commercial deployment.
Our facilities contain a variety of space for a multitude of technologies, as well as room for construction of new components to fit client needs. Much of the design and fabrication of the equipment and machinery is done on-site, allowing us to demonstrate technologies in a more rapid, cost-effective manner.
bench & pilot-scale technologies
Btu/hour solid fuels testing
lb/hour crushing capabilities
story gasification unit
Combustion Systems
We have been performing controlled combustion tests using bench- and pilot-scale combustion systems for decades. The systems have been used for a wide range of testing applications, including the evaluation of technologies for emission control and to understand the impact of combustion on a wide range of fuels.

- Drop-tube furnaces
- Fluidized-bed combustors
- Combustion test facility
- Conversion and environmental process simulator
- Particulate test combustor
- Slagging furnace system
- Fuel-processing system (coal and biomass)
The units are equipped with state-of-the-art measurement capabilities and all types of pollution control equipment:
- Postcombustion CO2 capture
- Selective catalytic reduction (SCR) reactor
- Electrostatic precipitators (ESPs)
- Baghouses
- Wet flue gas desulfurization (FGD) systems
Gasification and Gas Cleanup Systems
The EERC has multiple gasification systems capable of gasifying coal, biomass, and other solid or liquid feedstocks at a wide range of temperatures and pressures. We will work with you to determine which gasification system is most useful for your specific project.
Our portable bench-scale warm-gas cleanup train can be placed on any gasification system to reduce sulfur levels to less than 0.001 ppm and particulate to less than 0.01 ppmw. Water–gas shift reactors (including sour, high temperature, and low-temperature) can be inserted at any location in the cleanup train. A hydrogen membrane can also be inserted into any point to simulate desired operating conditions.

- Continuous fluid-bed reactor (CFBR)
- Bench-scale hot-gas filter vessel
- Transport Integrated Gasification Unit (TRIG)
- Entrained-flow gasifier (EFG)
- High-pressure fluid-bed gasifier (HPFBG)
- Advanced fixed-bed gasifier (AFBG)

Chemical- and Liquid-Processing Systems
- Small continuous reactor
- Large continuous reactor
- Continuous tubular reactor
- Batch reactors
- Fischer–Tropsch reactor skid

Designed and Built In-House
Design and creation of equipment is done on-site, allowing us to demonstrate technologies in a more rapid, cost-effective manner.