In-House Machine Shop

Design and build specialized test facilities for research and development
Much of the design and fabrication of the equipment and machinery is done on-site, allowing the EERC to demonstrate technologies in a more rapid, cost-effective way. The EERC is fully qualified to design and build high-temperature/pressure reactors, sampling and measurement systems, and other specialized test facilities for performing research and development on a scale from micrograms to tons of processed material.
In addition, the EERC has capabilities for designing equipment and protocols for field tests to evaluate power plant performance factors, air emissions, liquid effluents, groundwater quality, and solid waste disposal sites. The EERC engineers and constructs the following:
- Atmospheric and pressurized laminar-flow furnaces
- Pulverized-fuel combustors
- Emission controls: scrubbers, fabric filters, and electrostatic precipitators
- Atmospheric and pressurized fluidized-bed combustors
- Fixed-bed, fluidized-bed, and entrained-flow gasifiers
- Hot-gas filter test modules
- Processes for coal liquefaction, carbonization, and hydrothermal treatment
- Low-temperature oxygen plasma reactors
- Wastewater treatment reactors
- Cooling tower simulators
- Gas flow measurement and high-velocity thermocouple equipment
- Process instrument systems and gas sample conditioning equipment
- Specialized test well equipment
- Advanced catalytic and process chemistry systems